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About Us

Firm Overview | Military Attorney / Lawyer

Exceptional Representation

Facing the loss of reputation for a lifetime of work, and even one’s freedom due to criminal or professional allegations of wrongdoing is one of the most difficult things a family can confront, being represented by a military lawyer can help mitigate those risks. Van Ackeren, P.S. places a high priority on providing legal counsel for service members subject to the unique legal proceedings under the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ). Located in Tacoma, Washington, Van Ackeren, P.S. is an exceptional law firm that defends soldiers, sailors, marines, airmen, and coast guardsmen in areas of law that directly affect and concern veterans and military members. As a former service member, civilian military attorney Cheryl Van Ackeren is passionate about protecting the rights of service members and ensuring that veterans get the benefits they deserve and handles military criminal law around the world, family law for current or former military personnel and their families in Washington State, discharge upgrades before the Discharge Review Board (DRB) or the Board for Correction of Military Records (BCMR) in Washington, D.C. 

Have Any Questions? Let's Talk


As a service member you have the right to consult with civilian counsel regarding nonjudicial punishment (NJP), also known as Article 15 or Captain’s Mast, an administrative separation, a military investigation, and court-martial  proceedings. These proceedings can affect your future in the military and can carry consequences into the civilian world after you leave the service. Van Ackeren, P.S. has the experience and skill to protect your interest and, as a former service member, Attorney Cheryl Van Ackeren understands the nature of the military and how to navigate the regulations that are unique to your case.

There are many issues in divorce unique to military members and their families. A military member deployed overseas can complicate divorce proceedings. Basic Allowance for Housing (BAH) and military benefits such as Tricare and SGLI make separating property and determining child support complicated for military members. The military Uniformed Services Former Spouse Protection Act allows specific spouses to receive retirement benefits, Tricare, and the survivor benefit plan. Not knowing how to correctly separate these properties can lead to a spouse not receiving all the benefits they are entitled. Van Ackeren, P.S. understands the intricacies of military life and how that affects divorce and child custody cases.

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